Customer stories

  • Government: A DevOps journey to elevate public services

    Our customer, a major UK government department, runs a workstream that tackles fraudulent crime, minimises human error within the department, and ensures that citizens receive the debts they’re owed as efficiently as possible.

  • Global insurer: Unlocking automation with Palantir data analytics

    Our customer is a global insurer whose underwriters were bleeding both time and budget by assigning insurance policies on a manual basis. Our team created an innovative data analytics product on Palantir to solve the challenge.

  • International cultural institution: Building a digital customer registration platform

    An international educational and cultural institution that specialises in language teaching and exams. Covid-19 upended access to these services, putting registrations and attendance completely on hold.

  • Telecoms: turning data into decisions with a bespoke reporting platform

    Our customer is one of the UK’s leading telecommunications and internet services providers.

    They were building a new data-driven reporting functionality ahead of a major business event: a B2C platform release ahead of a major pre-Christmas sales push.
    The existing reporting functionality was built on legacy reporting applications. Our customer’s data was spread across the organisation in disparate systems, hindering the teams from gathering the insights they would need to consistently make intelligent decisions for the business.

  • Utilities: Saving one million litres of water with a digital twin 

    Our customer is one of the UK’s biggest utilities companies. Their Data Factory data integration platform was generating intelligence and forecasts through data mining, exploration, analysis and interpretation to detect blockages and leaks in their physical infrastructure.

  • HMRC: Delivering a greenfield system for post-Brexit logistics

    There was a need to process the high load demand effortlessly, ensuring a frictionless border and movement of trade for all four core users of the system: hauliers, shipping, ports, and traders.

  • Telecoms: Building a conversion and containment rate-boosting platform

    Major telecomms company needed help to improve the conversion rate of new customers, while also improving the containment rate.

  • Government: Delivering a post-Brexit reusable test automation framework

    The Import Control System (ICS) is a Europe-wide platform needed the build of the greenfield safety and security system to bring together all elements of the goods imports and declarations.

  • MRM Global: Revamping a flagship MarTech product for new markets

    Upskilling MRM Global’s technical teams, setting them up to take full ownership, independent of Tecknuovo support.

  • Utilities: Boosting productivity with a multi-supplier integration plan

    We helped a major UK utilities company design and implement a complex multi-supplier workstream integration plan. Our work is boosting productivity and slashing costs across the organisation — learn how in our customer story.

  • Thames Water: Creating a future-proofed next-generation call centre

    The largest waste and water utilities in the UK is undertaking a wholesale digital transformation, which includes a move from legacy on-premises infrastructure to modern cloud platforms.

  • Thames Water: Putting digital transformation in our customer’s hands

    Helping Thames Water decouple from complex and costly legacy technology contracts, migrate to modern cloud-based platforms, and build a team of skilled system engineers.